
Tutorial // Maria Posada's Necklace and Hair

July 29, 2015

Photo: Form of Therapy
I received an ask on tumblr long ago regarding Maria's hair and necklace, so I thought I'd share the tutorial here, as well!

Necklace // Maria’s circular necklace is made of metal, with a hammered gold finish, and is attached like a pendant onto a simple black satin/rubber cord. Since buying a hammered gold necklace is either expensive, hard to find, or you’re just lazy (like me), you can opt for buying a $3 pendant/charm at Michael’s with a spanish-style design engraving. Since I can’t find it on the Michael’s website, here’s a link to the exact same pendant on Etsy for 4x the price haha what a joke. I unfortunately didn’t bring my cosplay here to college, so it’s stuck at home where I can’t take a better close up photo for you );

To get rid of the dark bronze color, I applied a layer of matte modge podge, let it dry, added two coats of a metallic bright gold color (emphasis on metallic), let each layer dry completely, then added a final coat of matte modge podge to prevent any chipping. I opted for the matte finish because I think matte always translates better in cosplay, as sometimes a gloss can make your accessories look unnatural/too prop-ish. If the pendant sits too low on your neck, you can always cut the satin right before the coil cord ends and metal clasps, then tie the ends together tightly at the back. I did this and my necklace never fell off woo hoo!

Wig // Maria’s hair is brunette, with a few subtle/natural highlights, long bangs pulled to her right, and the rest sits on the crown of her head in a high ponytail. the main challenge here is volume. I used three wigs to get that volume, all at the expense of my poor little head being weighed down by so much hair.

The first wig (piece 1) i used is from The Five Wits in ‘unexpected giant love interest’. A friend of mine trimmed the bangs for me on the way to a convention because i’m a procrastinator hahaha oops~. Trim the bangs to your liking, i’d say about chin-length so you can sweep them to the side and behind your ear. Since you don’t want the wig wefts to show when pulling the hair into a ponytail, I pulled the hair into two low-sitting ponytails- the bottom half of the hair rested near the nape of my neck, and the top half of the hair sat right above that.

The second wig (piece 2) I used is actually a 30″ ponytail extension that comes pre-curled with a claw clip. since it was a slightly darker than my main piece, I added a short ponytail clip right above it (piece 3; it came with the main wig, so it matched and blended all of the wigs and colors together). so basically, from bottom of the neck to the crown, the wigs went: bottom half of piece 1, top half of piece 1, long ponytail extension/piece 2, and short ponytail extension/piece 3 on top and covering the top of piece 2 all stacked right on top of each other. I’m just gonna do this:
gray/pink: piece 1 (main wig)
purple: piece 2 (long ponytail clip)
blue: piece 3 (short ponytail clip)

Finish off the wig by softly combing through the wigs with a wide-toothed combed to make the tight curls turn into big, bouncy waves. curl the bottom of the side bangs inward toward the face. French braid your natural hair tightly, and slap on a wig cap. if you can, keep the wigs on a Styrofoam head so you can add the pieces all at once to your liking. If you don’t have one, you can just wear piece 1, make the two ponytails, then clip on pieces 2 then 3. Add lots of bobby pins to keep the wigs from falling back, since most of the weight will be on the back of your head.

I really hope this helped, let me know if that was too confusing >.< I hope your cosplay turns out great, i’d loved to see the finished product! Here’s a picture of the end result in photos, or you can check out Manolo and I’s hair appreciation post here!

Photo: Form of Therapy

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Hi! I'm 8-Bit Blossom, a 20-something lover of all things cosplay, skin care, and low-budget travel.



8-Bit Blossom | Los Angeles, California 8bitblossom@gmail.com